P-05-875 The capping of Council Tax Rises in Wales, Correspondence – Petitioner to Committee, 30.06.19

I wish to thank you for your information. Reading through your attached information a line struck me.

In April Conwy County Council levied a 9.6 per cent Council tax increase. In the piece you attached it states

"there has been a common understanding that if rises breach a 5% threshold then Ministers might consider using those powers"

Clearly they did not intervene in the case of the increase in Conwy!

I do not accept that not capping Council Tax rises is somehow empowering for County Councils.

By NOT capping and NOT intervening when a County Council hikes up Council tax by 9.6 per cent clearly the Welsh Government are abdicating responsibility and failing to intervene when a hike in Council tax causes major hardship.

The rejection of capping shows a total disregard for residents across Wales.

Inflation-busting council tax hikes and a failure by the welsh government to regulate rises at all in practise is utterly failing in a clear duty of care.